Group Therapy Rules!

Lead groups with confidence

If you’re ready to stop procrastinating and get that group going already, there’s a free guide for that.

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You Love the idea of running Groups, but…

… you have some hesitations about how you’ll pull off a therapy group in private practice.

Maybe you’d feel better about things if you could get your hands on a clinical skills refresher. Or some excellent supervision. Or if you had concrete answers to the logistical/ethical/practical questions that are bouncing around in your head (“what does my group contract need to include? how many people do I need to get started?” etc.)

I’m Stephanie Dobbin, a licensed marriage & family therapist, certified group psychotherapist, and probably one of the biggest group therapy nerds you’ll ever meet. I have a private practice that I’m crazy about, and I run weekly groups. ‘Group night’ is a highlight of my week each and every week!

I’d love to help you get your dream group up and running and continue to support you as you lead groups in private practice. Being a group leader is fun, dynamic & exciting — and it’s definitely not something that can be done well in isolation. We need support, guidance, consultation, and ways to keep our skills sharp AF so we can maintain functional and vibrant groups.

GROUP THERAPY RULES is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about becoming (and then continuing to be forever and ever) an effective group leader.

And if you don’t have my Get Your Group Off The Ground roadmap yet, get your free copy here! You’ll also receive periodic free trainings and other high-quality content related to group leadership in your inbox. I can’t wait to connect more with you soon.

That’s me! Stephanie Dobbin, LMFT, CGP, Group Therapy Nerd-in-Chief

That’s me! Stephanie Dobbin, LMFT, CGP, Group Therapy Nerd-in-Chief

What my Tuesday night Clinician Process Group is all about <3

What my Tuesday night Clinician Process Group is all about <3